Center for Techno-Anthropology (CETAN)

Torben Elgaard Jensen joins Durham University project

Torben Elgaard Jensen joins Durham University project

Torben is going to join the project 'Material imagination: exploring participatory design methodology for smart materials' as IAS Fellow at the College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham University (January - February 2020). The broad-based, interdisciplinary project led by Professor Tiago Moriera and Dr Margarita Staykova revolves around the question: Can new materials and technologies be developed through a collaboration between scientists and non-scientists?

Last modified: 06.12.2019


The project engages with important questions about how to communicate science, how to address the societal responsibility of science, and how to engage the public in science in a meaningful and productive way. Drawing on his experience from earlier work, Torben will contribute to the conceptual development of the model of open innovation for material science, and the organisation of the interactive event involving stakeholders. The project will be a unique opportunity to develop an innovative methodological approach to public engagement in the early, conceptual and visionary processes of cutting-edge natural science.​

In a recent blog post, Torben reflects on what he hopes to bring to the project. More specifically, he describes three items on his packing list for Durham – two ideas and one physical object.​