Center for Techno-Anthropology (CETAN)


Digital exploration of Israel-Palestine relations

New visiting researcher Alexei Tsinovoi studies the role of new media technologies, such as social media platforms and mobile devices, in the remediation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Last modified: 04.10.2019

Drawing on insights from Science and Technology Studies (STS), the project will pursue a two-fold research strategy, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. First, he will trace how new media technologies have come to play a role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, mapping the predominant discourses, practices, and material settings through which the digital remediation of the conflict takes place. Then, using the digital methods approach, the project will explore the concrete role of specific new media platforms and devices in the remediation of central political events. The project seeks to better understand under which conditions, in this digital age, new media technologies can contribute to conflict resolution and reconciliation rather than conflict escalation and violence. See the full project description here.​